Course synopsis 2022-2023

Department of Economics and Management

Università degli Studi di Pavia

Via San Felice, 5 – 27100 Pavia

Tel: +39.0382.986201


Curriculum “Industrial Organization and Innovation”

1° year (60 ECTS): a.a. 2022/2023

Applied Industrial Organization9ISECS-P/01
Data Science9ISECS-S/01
Competition Law6IIUS/04
Competition Policy and Market Regulation6ISECS-P/03
Economics of Digital Markets6II SECS-P/01
International Entrepreneurship and Organizational Behaviour6IISECS-P/08
Decisions and Choices9IISECS-S/06
One course within the following
Game and Equilibrium Theory: Tools and Applications9IIMat/03

2° year (60 ECTS) – a.a. 2023/2024

Economics and Management of the Energy Industry6ISECS-P/08
Economics of Innovation and Industrial Dynamics9ISECS-P/06
Contemporary Economic History6ISECS-P/12
One course within the following
Lingua francese (Perfezionamento)3IIL-LIN/04
Lingua spagnola (Perfezionamento)3IIL-LIN/07
Lingua tedesca (Perfezionamento)3IIL-LIN/14
Corso di Lingua Italiana per Studenti Stranieri *3IIL-FIL-LET/12
Applied Econometrics Lab3ISECS-P/05
Elective courses **12
Final Thesis24PROFIN_S


*compulsory for foreign students

**Elective courses are chosen by the students, however please see below a couple of courses we recommend, being in line with this curriculum and useful knowledge for the entry in the job market

Recommended elective coursesECTSField
Applied Project Management6SECS-P/08
Business Analytics with Excel3SECS-P/10

Curriculum “International Development and Economic Policy”

1° year (63 ECTS): a.a. 2022/2023

Data Science9ISECS-S/01
European Consitutional Law6IIUS/13
International Economics and Policy9ISECS-P/02
Economics and Management of Cooperation and Development9ISECS-P/08
Global Value Chain and Sustainability9IISECS-P/08
Economics and Society6IISECS-P/03
Health Economics6IISECS-P/03

2° year (57 ECTS) – a.a. 2023/2024

Macroeconomics for Development6ISECS-P/01
Empirical Methods for Policy Evaluation6ISECS-P/01
Development Economics6ISECS-P/01
One course within the following
Lingua francese (Perfezionamento)3IIL-LIN/04
Lingua spagnola (Perfezionamento)3IIL-LIN/07
Lingua tedesca (Perfezionamento)3IIL-LIN/14
Corso di Lingua Italiana per Studenti Stranieri * 3IIL-FIL-LET/12
Applied Econometrics Lab3ISECS-P/05
Elective courses **12
Final Thesis24PROFIN_S


*compulsory for foreign students

**Elective courses are chosen by the students, however please see below a couple of courses we recommend, being in line with this curriculum and useful knowledge for the entry in the job market

Recommended elective coursesECTSField
Food Economics and Agricultural Development6AGR/01
Quantitative Policy Analysis for Development3SECS-P/02
Global Healt6CHIM-09
Applied Project Managemenet6SECS-P/08
Business Analytics with Excel3SECS-P/10
International Business Law6IUS/14
Diritto Internazionale12IUS/14
Corporate Finance6SECS-P/08