MEFI (Master Programme in Economics, Finance & International Integration) is the Master Degree MEDI derives from.
Please also view the report of our Alumni’s careers once graduated
ALUMNI – Our students’ experience

Alessia Cafferata
I attended the Master’s Course in Economics, Finance and International Integration from 2013 to 2015. Memories of those years go back to an international environment, high experienced scholars and students in a lovely city. The MEFI Programme allowed me to master the subjects that I was most interested in, such as advanced macroeconomics, business cycle analysis, and behavioral finance, together with a lot of practical courses.
After my graduation in 2015, I attended a PhD in Economics. Currently, I am employed at the University of Pisa, Department of Economics and Management, as tenured-track assistant professor (RTD-B), where I teach Mathematics for Economics and I do research on the development and the calibration of nonlinear dynamic models with heterogenous agents to investigate financial market dynamics and the economy of climate change.

Jing Li
” A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, MEFI is one of the most precious ventures that has ever occurred in my life. During this two years program, on one hand, I consolidated my knowledge about economic theories, through a more dynamic and realistic perspective; I acquired the skills to use various softwares as well as coding languages, which helped me being involved in the main trends of our current world.
I learned a lot via projects and group works that accelerated my path for my future employment. On the other hand, I widened my perspective by experiencing different cultures and attending various events. I harvested unforgettable friendships which I consider as my life-time treasury. If I had a second chance, I would always consider MEFI as the first choice

Bianca Isaincu
The Master in Economics, Finance and International Integration was a door opener for me. Firstly, because of the experienced teachers I had the chance to interact with. Secondly, because of the opportunities it gave me to widen my experience abroad, through an exchange program with the University of Sorbonne in Paris, and an internship in the organisation where I found my first job. MEFI and its teachers are there to always support you.
The biggest favour you can do to yourself is to reach out for advice and guidance, surely you will get that and you will not regret it later on. I work at the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), as the manager for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Asia regions

Francesca Meli
MEFI is undoubtedly a great experience. Not only courses are extensively and deeply developed, but they provide students with the opportunity to test themselves by means of practical activities, which allows them to really understand the addressed issues, reinforcing in turn their knowledge and skills. However, what makes it unique is the cooperative and supporting environment, encompassing both professors and colleagues: a commendable feature that is not easy to find elsewhere and that allows to try, learn and grow more. The curriculum which I studied (Industrial Organization and Market Regulation), in particular, is appreciable because of the variety of courses and methods, enabling students to obtain a wide understanding of economic issues and leaving them the awareness of having learned a lot, but, at the same time, having much more still to learn.
After my graduation I had the great opportunity to continue to discover by becoming a research fellow and after a few months my thesis was awarded by Istituto Lombardo – Accademia di Scienze e Lettere. I’m truly thankful to this master and all the people met.

Ivano Giuseppe Fava
I graduated in MEFI in 2018. From Palermo to Pavia, it was a sort of “Erasmus experience” for me. I found a beautiful city, a great university and an international environment.
This course has given me many opportunities and possibilities to grow, in fact I have improved my English language and values as commitment, vision, respect for others and courage to challenge myself. All of this changed my life and provided me with a set of skills that accelerated my integration and career at NTT DATA Italia. I started working as a Business Analyst in Milan one month before graduation.

Giulia Inglardi
I am Giulia Inglardi, to me MEFI represented: English language, group activities and interdisciplinary projects which involved public speaking, computer-based practical exams, the experience of being tutor and the development of an experimental thesis. All of these activities not only trained me to be ready for the job market but also to have fun while studying.
Currently I am working at Tech Rain, a consultant company, and, as a business and data analyst, I am developing two projects for one of the main telco companies in Italy.

Fabrizio Cucinella
Attending the MEFI course, I had the opportunity to study economics, finance, management and marketing, all perfectly balanced among themselves. This Master experience, moreover, is carried out in such a way to introduce students in the working world, thanks to several workshops and direct partnerships with local firms.
Even before graduating and completing my studies, I have been hired by one of those local businesses, constantly looking for young trainees among the ranks of the students of my course. I was included in a satisfying and challenging position from the very beginning, thanks to the skills acquired during these two years of study in Pavia.

Dafne Capisani
The MEFI Programme, combined with the Erasmus experience and the access to Fund for Cooperation and Knowledge, trained me to work in the field of economic development and growth. During the course, I acquired the analytical skills to deal with issues such as equitable economic growth, municipal finance, and gender mainstreaming.
After graduation, I worked at the European Commission – DG International Cooperation and Development as a Policy intern (Blue Book Programme). Currently, I am employed at the Cities Alliance (a organisation hosted by United Nations Office), where I specialise in urban economics and study the importance of public services in stimulating growth and reducing inequalities in cities.

Stefano Riva
The Master program in Economics, Finance and International Integration has provided me with technical knowledge in Applied Economics and Pricing theory. I work as a Senior Analyst at Carnival Corporation, the world leading group in the cruise industry.
Based in the UK office and traveling around the world, I now look after strategic pricing projects in the Revenue Management area across Carnival brands. The MEFI program made up my statistical and data analytics background, a key requirement in a sector where the employers demand skillful people to bring science in their day-to-day commercial pricing activities and competition.

Floriana Bove
MEFI gave me the possibility to approach an environment similar to the working world. Thanks to many team projects, I could cooperate with my international colleagues in order to achieve common aims, like in everyday working life.
It was a training experience in which I could learn and test a lot of issues typical of the working sphere: data analysis, drafting of business plans, cooperation and problem solving skills. Everything was supervised step by step by UNIPV professors. Now I am working as a data and social media analyst in a marketing company. Social media analytics is a new branch of market research attracting more and more attention by firms in recent years, being able to provide useful business insights.

Davide Quaranta
During my two years at MEFI I had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, sharing different cultures and lifestyles. MEFI provided me with a strong analytical base thanks to some practical exams like Big Data Analysis and Applied Industrial Organization, which required to learn the use of softwares like Stata, R and Python.
I met great Professors, always available to give support in case of necessity. Thanks to this Master Course, I’m currently employed in the Italian leader company in the sector of cruises, as a business analyst in the digital marketing department.

Ivano Inversini
I joined MEFI in 2014, and since the first day I found it interesting and challenging to deal with an international environment where courses are carried out in an interactive way, requiring active participation from my side with interventions, presentations and teamwork.
These factors not only gave me strong bases in different economic areas, but also enabled me to develop a set of skills that speeded up my integration and learning process at Accenture. In my current work in a consulting company, this kind of background represents the best starting point for a continuous growth.

Irene Casetto
MEFI offers a deep view in many economic sectors such as energy, environmental, and health economics. The theoretical and analytical approach of the MEFI programme makes it feasible to start a career in different fields, in particular in the Data Science one.
The theoretical notions, combined with practical cases, allow you to develop an important confidence to deal with artificial intelligence and machine learning issues. The course promotes the development of the so-called “critical thinking” useful at work and essential in everyday life. All of this happens in a dynamic and international context.

Alessandro Saccogna
I have lived in Pavia for two years, until the end of MEFI. I graduated with the highest honors. My master studies gave me the opportunity to find a real application of economic models previously analyzed just from a theoretical perspective. MEFI means transversality, team work but mainly enjoying different opportunities.
I have been a teaching assistant for more than one year and I have done an internship within the Data Science department of Doxa S.p.A. I am currently working as a Functional Analyst at NTT DATA within the Payments and Blockchain’s department, the object of my master thesis.

Giulia Urbano
I attended MEFI curriculum Industrial Organization and Market Regulation, which I found to be well structured, taught in a practical learning environment, introducing students to Market Regulations, Game Theory, Big Data Analysis & Machine Learning. As a result of this Degree, I have enjoyed the experience and practical work using software such as R and Python.
Using these software, I now hold the skills to deal with statistical analysis on a wide range of data sets. I feel this Master’s Degree gave me a relevant knowledge for future technology-based employment. In addition to this, there are many international opportunities available to students. I chose an internship in Dublin through the ERASMUS traineeship program and then progressed to Business Analyst for the same company. This Master Programme is an opportunity not to be missed.

Giulia Nocetti
I graduated in July 2015. I chose the Industrial Organization and Market Regulation curriculum, which gave me the chance to deepen some of the issues that most fascinated me, i.e. energy economics and competition policies. Moreover, before graduation, I was hired as an intern by Edison S.p.A., a major energy company. During my internship, I completed my final thesis, concerning the process of liberalisation in the upstream gas market.
Afterwards, I worked for three years at Edison’s Regulatory Affairs department, dealing especially with the gas and electricity retail markets. Since it was time for me to move on to a new chapter of my professional experience, recently I started working in Repower Italia Spa, a company developing innovative projects in the energy field, mostly concerning electric mobility.

Lucia Romagnoni
I graduated in Energy Economics, with a dissertation focused on the analysis of the total factor productivity (TFP) in the Italian energy market. The MEFI program allowed me to build a strong background in market strategies and industrial dynamics.
I started my career in Monitor Deloitte in May 2016, where I am still working as a consultant, facing every day complex and challenging activities. In strategic consulting I found the working environment that fits my needs. Thanks to my studies, I have been able to reap great satisfactions at work and I have been evaluated as best performer at my grade.

Angelo Cecinati
During the MEFI years, I was a member of the local AIESEC committee and I had a very interesting postgraduate Erasmus in the Institute for Social and European Study in Hungary. Once back in Italy, I had the incredible opportunity of exposing my thesis ideas, right in EXPO 2015 venues!
In 2015 I then joined a “Big Four” working as financial auditor in Milan Piazza Affari! In 2017 I became a Business Analyst consultant and from 2020 I’m pleased to work as Comercial Intelligence Anlyst for the leading company of the Italian Crusing sector! All started in MEFI, and I will always be grateful to Pavia University!

Giacomo Fersini
The MEFI Programme is structured in such a way as to provide the students with a unique and solid preparation, relying on a perfect mix of theoretical and empirical courses.
I graduated in International Economic Integration and Development and I completed, as part of the Double Degree Programme, the M.Sc. European Economics at the University of Tübingen (Germany) and a Master Thesis awarded by the University of Pavia with the Giovanni Manera Scholarship. After graduation, I interned as a research assistant at the United Nations ESCAP in Trade Policy and Facilitation Section.

Andrada Remes
Studying at the University of Pavia, gave me great opportunities for my future career. I started with an Erasmus Internship at the end of my studies in a company that sells sport equipment all across Europe from their headquarters in Germany.
In a very short time I became their marketing manager, taking care of all the orders from suppliers (from India, China, France etc ) for the whole company.”
Please also view the report of our Alumni’s careers once graduated here